How to Change Voice in BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India)

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Battlegrounds Mobile India game was launched in India after PUBG Mobile was banned. With the launch of the Battlegrounds Mobile India game, the love of the players towards the game is increasing day by day and currently, the game has been downloaded around 100 million. PUBG Mobile game is banned in India because of its data privacy. Anything to say about this game is an understatement. Because the graphics in the game are completely different from other games and realistic, more and more people are playing this game and enjoying it.

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

In Battlegrounds mobile India (BGMI) game when you play in squared you can play a squad game with three more of your friends i.e. friends and you four together. When you play a squared game a map will have 100 players and a total of 25 squares. If you want to have chicken dinner in this game then you have to survive the game to the end, and for that, you have to talk and communicate with your team players.

Sometimes you can’t communicate with your team due to a bad internet connection in the game, so you can talk with the help of a voice pack. Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) game has different voice packs for different characters. If you want to use those different character voice packs and don’t know how to voice change, then read our post. Here we have discussed step by step how you can voice change in the Battlegrounds mobile India (BGMI) game.

List of Voice Pack Available in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) game has different voice packs and each voice pack has three message types, Tactics, Movement and Discussion. Here we have discussed the voice packs in Battlegrounds Mobile India game below:

  • Default Voice: Young Lady Quick Chat Voice Set
  • Classic Voice: Femme Fatale Quick Chat Voice Set
  • Andy: Puppetmaster Andy’s Voice
  • Carlo: Voice of Urban Bounty Hunter Carlo
  • Sara: Mechanic Queen Sara Voice
  • Victor: Voice of Victor, the soldier
  • Bhola Record Voice Pack: Punjabi Voice Pack from Bhola Record
  • Urdu Female/Girl Voice: Voice from Likee App Creator Arooj Fatima

Also here you will find voice packs of some Indian players in the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) game they are Dynamo, Jonathan, Snax, Shreeman, and Payal and some limited packs of Mortal, Thug, and Vaadhiyaar.

How to Get this Voice Pack in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)?

When you install the Battlegrounds Mobile India game for the first time you get a default character in that game you can use the default voices of that default character. Most of the voice packs in this BGMI game depend on the character of the game. Sometimes you can get a voice pack through some events during special occasions. To get a voice pack you need to buy using a character voucher or buy with UC.

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

When you first start the Battlegrounds Mobile India game, the BGMI game profile is assigned a default male or female character. You get some normal voice packs for this character, but if you want to get voice packs like Sara, Andy, Victor and Carlo, you need to buy those characters first. You can unlock specific character voices with character vouchers.

In-game Prices for Characters other than default Characters

There are generally three types of characters in the Battlegrounds Mobile India game, they are Sarah, Carlo and Andy. Check out the in-game prices of these three characters as we discuss them below:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
  • Victor: Free
  • Anna: 600 UC or Character Voucher
  • Sara: 600 UC or Character Voucher
  • Carlo: 1200 UC or Character Voucher
  • Andy: 1200 UC or Character Voucher

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India [BGMI]

You can change the voice pack in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) game in two ways:

  • Using in-game settings
  • Using other Third-Party applications

Steps to Change Voice in BGMI Using In-Game Settings

Step 1: First of all, you need to launch the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) application on your phone.

Step 2:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

Now you need to click on the Inventory option located at the bottom right side of the home screen next to the menu bar.

Step 3:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

After clicking on Inventory, click on the Player icon on the right side.

Step 4:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

Now after coming inside the player icon, you have to click on the Voice (Mic) icon.

Step 5:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

Once here you will find all the voices and voice commands available in Battlegrounds Mobile India, along with the voices that are active in the previous version. If you have purchased a character in Battlegrounds Mobile India and want to use his voice then you need to choose the voice of your preferred character by clicking on Default Voice.

Step 6:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

To change voices click the Select Voice drop-down menu.

Step 7: Then you can find your favourite voice list from here.

Step 8: Then you select the voice you like and change it instantly.

Step 9: This way you can preview the voices from the Voices section after changing them, and if you want to check these you can play a game.

Step to Change Voice in BGMI Using Third-Party Application

If you don’t have enough UC or Character Vouchers in the Battlegrounds Mobile India game, you can use a third-party application to change your voice in-game. But we have to say that using this method is against the terms and conditions of BGMI because Battlegrounds Mobile India has already stated that using any third-party application or tools in this game will result in a permanent ban on the user’s gaming account. So we say that to change the voice you need to purchase the in-game characters and change the voice.

Step 1: First, you need to open your browser.

Step 2: After opening the browser, you have to go to the search option and search DU Recorder APK, because you will not find these apps in the Play Store or iOS Store.

Step 3: The apps should be installed after downloading.

Step 4: After installing you need to open the DU Recorder application.

Step 5:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

After opening the app, click on the Settings section at the top right.

Step 6: After clicking here the page has to scroll down a bit.

Step 7:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

After scrolling down the page you need to click on Change Voice.

Step 8:

How to Change Voice in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

After clicking here you choose the voice you like (Lolita, Uncle, Fatboy, Naughty Kid, Mechanical, Bad Cold, Ethereal and Customize).

Step 9: Now you open the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) game.

Step 10: After opening that game start a match and as soon as you start the match you turn on the DU Recorder, and then you will see your voice changed.

We hope that by reading our post you have understood how you can change the Voice Pack in the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) Game. If you like our post then you can share it with your friends and family.

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